June 13, 2015
India is big. India has huge growth potentials. India has all factors in its favour that can make it a prosperous economy. But there are some huge deterrents too. The population explosion is probably the biggest deterrent. There is rampant corruption and widespread illiteracy. Gender bias and religious prejudices are not exactly uncommon. Some states are lagging far behind others. But then any growing nation will have these challenges in front of it. India can still make it to the top in spite of all these deterrents.
True. And we are growing at quite a steady pace but we could have grown with faster pace, had we been free of the pests that infest the length and breadth of our country. There are Jihadists who are obsessed with blowing houses, offices, temples, markets, people and even themselves. There are spineless seculars on a perpetual excuse hunting expedition to blame the majorities and shield the minorities. There is the political correct media that lacks the willpower to present news-as-it-is. There are liberals and commies who love all the aforesaid people and sometimes fund them too. But there is one section of people who are inflicting maximum damage on the very soul of India. The blood sucking vampires operate their dark realms from our soil and work against our interest.
I am talking about the NGOs – Non Government Organizations.
4470 NGOs in India have been delicensed this month. Licenses for 8875 NGOs were revoked in April for violation of rules governing foreign funds. The Government of India has many more NGOs on its watch list. Let us get into the numbers and technicalities later on. Let us first see what NGOs in India do?
On the surface most NGOs (and I am talking about the big ones) do all kinds of Jagat-Kalyaan job. From empowering women to educating girl child, from conserving water to harvesting rain water, from saving forests from being usurped by land mafia to protesting against big corporations, NGOs stand for the rights of the weak and the downtrodden. Beneath the surface however work for most NGOs (and I am again talking about the big ones) converts into jagat-minus-india work which technically converts into anti-India work. Greenpeace, Amnesty, ActionAid etc. are heavily funded NGOs that serve foreign interests. Their donors remain secret and their methods remain one big black box. And they are not the only ones. In the words of R Vaidyanathan, professor (finance) at the Indian Institute of Management, Bangalore “Many NGOs that do receive foreign funding are not covered under the Right to Information Act. Hence, finding information about their finances becomes difficult. Additionally, some groups don’t even have websites, which only makes it more cumbersome to find out details about their finances.”
Here are some interesting facts:
India has 3100000 NGOs.
It is more than double the number of schools in India
250 times the number of government hospitals
We have one policeman for 709 people while we have 1 NGO/400 people
Now let us come to the numbers. Here is the breakup for the amount of foreign contribution received by NGOs in India:
Year: 2008-09
Number of NGOs: 23172
Amount Received: 10997.35 Crores
Year: 2009-10
Number of NGOs: 22275
Amount Received: 10431.12 Crores
Year: 2010-11
Number of NGOs: 22735
Amount Received: 10334.12 Crores
Now look at the biggest donors:
United States: Rs 3105.73 crores.
Germany Rs 1046.3 crores.
United Kingdom: Rs 1038.68 crores.
And now let us check the biggest benefactors out:
Gospel for Asia Inc, USA: Rs 232.71 crores.
Fundacion Vicente Ferrer, Spain: Rs 228.60 crores.
World Vision Global Centre, USA: Rs 197.62 crores.
(Source: Rediff India)
When there is big money involved, there are big intentions involved too. A lot of NGOs in India are involved in paying off people for staging protests against corporations and projects. The Koodankulam nuclear plant agitation or the agitation in Odisha against POSCO can be taken up as good case studies. Other NGOs are involved in killing the brand image that India is. One example would be their desperate attempt to make India look like the “Rape Capital”. Another would be the “Minority is not safe” in Modi’s India attempt. Propagation of western style feminism can be taken as the third example. Some NGOs are conventional conversion christian schools. A percentage of the funds received is doled out as freebies for achieving mass-scale conversions. Most of the protesters protesting against government projects turn out to be hapless tribals. Upon closer examination they turn out to be tribals converted into Christians. Coincidences you see! The agenda of most of the big NGOs in India is set by foreign countries that want to ensure that India is not self-reliant. The smaller NGOs however do meaner jobs and provide an efficient way for converting black money into white. Some even allow individuals to cheat on their income taxes.
Now let us come to the technicality of it:
According to the Foreign Funding Contribution (Regulation) Act, it is mandatory for NGOs to be registered under this law to receive funds from abroad. They also need to declare their donor names. Any NGO that doesn’t fit the bill and/or refuses to comply should be closed down.
That’s exactly what Modi and Co. are doing and they deserve a pat on their backs for this. Yes we need to empower the weak and the downtrodden. Yes we need to conserve our natural resources. Yes we need to be a pluralistic and all-inclusive society. But we don’t need American dollars for that. A clear vision, an efficient government machinery and a constructive participation of the citizens is all we need.
Trivia: When TFI hit 100,000 mark, a gentleman offered to help me in starting an NGO with the same name. He said it will be big business. I BANNED him.
By Atul Kumar Mishra
Revelations About NGO Mafia In Pakistan
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