In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Friday, July 26, 2024








Electile Dysfunction occurs when: 

1) You have trouble maintaining an election.

2) Election lasts longer than four days.

3) There is a severe, sudden, and noticeable loss of interest in voting.

4) In worst cases, may result in premature inauguration.


Hello readers, welcome back to another episode of Beyond Blue Beam. We continue our journey into the realms of mystery and intrigue. Is it fiction or is it reality? “Red is grey and yellow white but we decide which is right and which is an illusion” (The Moody Blues) You decide! Share your thoughts in the comments. Also please feel free to add whatever other information you have to add to the article in the comments. Meanwhile, relax and enjoy the read.

Today, we embark on another thrilling journey through time, space, and possibly even different realities. As usual, buckle up for an intriguing exploration of diverse topics.

Tartaria and the Mud Flood

We revisit the enigmatic history of Tartaria and the intriguing concept of the mud flood. This hidden civilization, allegedly erased from mainstream history, invites us to question the accepted narratives and explore the possibility of a grand historical cover-up. The mud flood theory suggests a catastrophic event that buried entire cities, resetting history and leaving behind architectural anomalies that challenge conventional timelines. Join us as we delve deeper into the mysteries of Tartaria, uncovering hidden truths and sparking new questions about our past.

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The World Population HOAX

Another lie we’re told is the number of people living in the world, a claim that’s easier to debunk than you might think. Important figures are beginning to wake up to this manipulation, realizing that the official population figures, along with the narrative of a climate crisis, are being used to justify increased taxation and control.

By questioning the accuracy of these statistics and the motivations behind them, we can uncover a potential agenda to exploit these numbers for political and financial gain. As we delve into this topic, it’s crucial to remain vigilant and critical of the information presented to us, recognizing the broader implications for personal freedom and global policy.

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Magnetic Energy

The concept of harvesting free energy using magnetism, with naturally occurring magnets scaled up to create free energy stations, promises a revolution in clean, renewable power. However, a disturbing pattern emerges: many inventors of such technologies have “mysteriously died” or had their patents bought out, preventing their innovations from reaching the market. Currently, over 6,000 hidden and suppressed patents hold the potential to transform modern society, covering areas from energy generation to advanced materials and medical technologies. This suppression suggests powerful forces maintaining the status quo in energy production, highlighting the need for transparency. If these technologies were released, they could lead to a future of abundant, clean energy, drastically improving quality of life and sustainability.

Question Everything

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Running out of water? The Myth.

Dams are often used to restrict the flow of unlimited water resources, controlling access and distribution. Interestingly, companies like General Electric (GE) and various medical corporations employ dowsers to locate these abundant water sources. This practice reveals the existence of vast, untapped water supplies, challenging conventional narratives about water scarcity and raising questions about why such resources are not more widely utilized for public benefit.

Check out this link:

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Underground Ocean

Massive Ocean Found 700 Kilometers Beneath Earth’s Surface Changes What We Know About the Origins of Water!

Imagine an ocean vaster that all the water on Earth’s surface combined hidden 700 kilometers beneath our feet. This is the mind-boggling discovery scientists at Northwestern University have unveiled, shaking our understanding of where Earth’s water comes from.

For years, scientists have debated the origins of Earth’s water. Comets were prime suspects, delivering their icy payloads through impacts, but this new discovery throws a wrench in that theory. Researchers, led by geophysicist Steven Jacobsen, stumbled upon a colossal water reservoir trapped within the Earth’s mantle, a scorching hot layer beneath the crust. This hidden ocean, three times the size of its surface counterparts, is cradled within a mineral called ringwoodite.

Scientists deployed a network of 2,000 seismographs across the US, listening to the whispers of the Earth itself. By analyzing the faint tremors from over 500 earthquakes, they noticed a curious slowdown in the seismic waves as they passed through specific regions of the mantle. This slowdown hinted at the presence of water, acting like a sponge within the rock.

This discovery completely rewrites our understanding of Earth’s water cycle. It suggests water isn’t just a surface phenomenon, but potentially exists within the mantle, migrating through cracks and crevices. Jacobsen emphasizes the importance of this reservoir, stating, “Without this internal water source, Earth’s surface would likely be a barren landscape, with only mountain peaks peeking out from a vast ocean.”

The implications are far-reaching. Scientists are now eager to gather seismic data worldwide to see if this hidden ocean is a global phenomenon. This could revolutionize our understanding of how water moves within our planet, a fundamental process shaping Earth’s history and potentially influencing the existence of life


Scientists Found a Surprise New Continent Hiding Beneath Greenland

Where have you been this whole time?

The discovery of a new primitive microcontinent between Greenland and Canada could help scientists understand how microcontinents form.

Researchers studied how the tectonic plates of the Davis Strait moved and eventually rifted to form the new microcontinent.

The strait is being called a proto-microcontinent, and changes in plate motion over millions of years could have played a key factor in the creation

You’d have to take a dip in the icy waters off the west coast of Greenland to find it, but somewhere below the surface of the Davis Strait is what scientists have declared a microcontinent.

It’s been a long time in the making.

As the tectonic plates between Canada and Greenland shifted to form the Davis Strait, which connects ocean basins the Labrador Sea and Baffin Bay, the Earth’s crust reconfigured. This resulted in a thick continental crust in the ocean, now declared a newly discovered proto-microcontinent

Chemical and Biological Warfare Trials

During the Cold War, the British Government subjected thousands of people to chemical and biological warfare trials, using the general public as unwitting guinea pigs on a much greater scale than previously acknowledged. New historical research reveals that in over 750 secret operations, hundreds of thousands of ordinary Britons were exposed to biological and chemical attacks launched from aircraft, ships, and road vehicles. This shocking revelation raises a critical question: do we really believe such experiments ceased entirely after the Cold War? The history of these covert operations suggests a disturbing willingness to sacrifice public safety for military and scientific gains, prompting skepticism about whether similar practices might continue under different guises today.

Moon Cave

NASA and other agencies are increasingly releasing data that stirs excitement in the scientific community and beyond. One such revelation is the confirmation of a cave on the moon, which holds promise as a potential shelter for future explorers. This discovery could provide a critical base for lunar missions, offering protection from harsh environmental conditions and cosmic radiation. The existence of this cave opens new possibilities for sustainable human presence on the moon, making long-term exploration and perhaps even colonization more feasible.

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Scientists have confirmed a cave on the moon, not far from where Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed 55 years ago, and suspect there are hundreds more that could house future astronauts.

An Italian-led team reported Monday that there’s evidence for a sizable cave accessible from the deepest known pit on the moon. It’s located at the Sea of Tranquility, just 250 miles (400 kilometers) from Apollo 11’s landing site.

The pit, like the more than 200 others discovered up there, was created by the collapse of a lava tube.

Researchers analyzed radar measurements by NASA’s Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, and compared the results with lava tubes on Earth. Their findings appeared in the journal Nature Astronomy.

The radar data reveal only the initial part of the underground cavity, according to the scientists. They estimate it’s at least 130 feet (40 meters) wide and tens of yards (meters) long, probably more.

“Lunar caves have remained a mystery for over 50 years. So it was exciting to be able to finally prove the existence” of one, Leonardo Carrer and Lorenzo Bruzzone of the University of Trento, wrote in an email.

Where did the Minions come from? 

A disturbing theory, or is it really truth, suggests that the popular characters known as “Minions” from children’s movies have dark origins tied to Nazi experiments, where adopted children were subjected to horrific tests, including exposure to Zyklon-B gas, and subsequently murdered. This theory further alleges that Disney profited by turning this grim history into a children’s movie, embedding subliminal messages.  “Minions” were allegedly created by Illumination Entertainment, not Disney, and their concept is rooted in comedic animation or is it? This theory underscores the importance of critical research and distinguishing  for yourself, what is real and what is an illusion.

How do Russians feel about aliens?

Some Russians (10%) are ready to take the president’s word if he says that alien life exists, a Rambler&Co poll available to TASS suggests.

Some 79% of the 116,000 respondents said they already believe that extraterrestrials exist. Another 33% of Russians are sure that there is intelligent life on other planets, and 27% are intrigued by the very idea of this.

One tenth of Russians believe that the authorities hide the facts about UFOs, another 9% are convinced that aliens are already living among us on Earth. Another 21% of respondents strongly deny the existence of extraterrestrial life.

A little under half of the country, 49%, said they need to see aliens with their own eyes before they say they are real. “One out of ten people are ready to recognize that UFOs are real if the head of state confirms this, 6% would trust the official media, 3% would believe their friends,” the survey found. But 20% trust only the research of renowned scientists. Another 12% of Russians would be satisfied with video clips.

Russians hold different opinions about the attitude of aliens to earthlings. Some 24% believe that their intentions will be hostile, while 23% believe that they want to be friends. But more than half (53%) are sure that the existence of humans for aliens will be as much of a shock as vice versa. Two-thirds of respondents believe that if aliens are indeed real, they would be nothing like humans, either in appearance or technology.

The UFO Videos

1. Numerous orange orbs seem over South America July, 2024.

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2. A multi rainbow colored UAP flying over Germany July 2024.

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3. A strange bright orb seen over Nevada, USA July 2024.

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4. 3 bright light orbs seen in Colorado, USA July 2024.

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5. A multi rainbow colored UAP flying over Brazil July 2024.

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End of Transmission>>>>>>>>>


Military Game Theory Operations And Their Impact On Global Events

BQQQM!!! The Event is Here: Activation of Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2 – Military Game Theory, Military Operations, White Hats, and Their Impact on Global Events

Military game theory operations, the backbone of defense strategies, lay bare the insidious maneuvers of these clandestine forces. This article rips the veil off the covert operations, highlighting the strategic brilliance of the White Hats in countering the Deep State’s machinations. From a staged assassination attempt on Donald Trump to exposing a global network of corruption, we delve into the raw truth. With an unapologetically aggressive tone, we champion Trump and the White Hats, unraveling their relentless fight for justice.

The Role of Game Theory in Military Operations

Game theory, a powerful mathematical tool, models and predicts the actions of adversaries in high-stakes scenarios. In military contexts, it’s a weapon wielded to anticipate and outmaneuver hostile actors. Military game theory operations are often shrouded in secrecy, utilizing non-cooperative or cooperative games, simultaneous or sequential games, and zero-sum or non-zero-sum games to crush opponents.

Command and Control Warfare: The Iron Fist. In command and control warfare, game theory is the iron fist that dictates resource allocation, information flow, and weapons control. By outsmarting adversaries and optimizing resources, military strategists maintain an unyielding grip on operations.

Information Warfare: The Mind Game. Information warfare is the battlefield of perception. Game theory models the manipulation and control of information to deceive, disrupt, and dominate enemies. This is psychological warfare at its most ruthless, shaping the adversary’s perceptions and decisions to our advantage.

Weapons Control Warfare: Precision and Power.Weapons control warfare, where timing and effectiveness are paramount, is where game theory shines. By predicting adversary actions, military planners strike with precision, maximizing the impact of their arsenal.

Adversary Monitoring Warfare: The Watchful Eye. Monitoring adversaries is critical in military strategy. Game theory provides the framework for predicting enemy behavior and developing countermeasures to neutralize threats. This is the vigilant eye that never blinks.

Staged Assassination Attempt on Donald Trump

The Deep State’s Devious Plot and White Hats’ Counterattack. Warnings about an assassination attempt on Donald Trump echoed for years, months, and especially weeks before the event. But this was no ordinary plot—it was a meticulously orchestrated operation by White Hats to mimic an assassination, triggering a cascade of military and legal actions.

Exposing the Deep State’s Rotten Core. The staged assassination attempt on Trump was a masterstroke, designed to unmask Deep State operatives within and outside Trump’s circle, including the compromised Secret Service and military intelligence. This bold move ignited special operations and investigations aimed at revealing the Deep State’s cancerous corruption.

Financial Takedown. A critical element of this operation was exposing Wall Street’s and major corporations’ financial skullduggery. Just a day before the assassination attempt, over 12 million documents were filed, shedding Trump-related shares and stocks. This financial treachery laid bare the lengths to which the Deep State would go to sabotage Trump.

Military and Political Maneuvering – Activating Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2

Trump Seeks Military Shield. Currently, Trump, his legal team, associates, and high-ranking military figures are demanding U.S. military protection. This is a direct consequence of eroded confidence in the Secret Service. Trump is rallying for protection from special operations command and special forces, reflecting the fierce battle against the Deep State.

Activating Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2. White Hats are mobilizing U.S. citizens to activate Article 2, Section 1, Clause 2 of the Constitution. This clause empowers state legislators and representatives to vote for the President, circumventing electoral fraud. With the Republican Party holding 274 majority electoral votes, this strategy is a surefire path to securing Trump’s rightful place.

Outflanking Electoral Fraud. This special voting mechanism is designed to bypass Dominion machine tampering, illegal immigrant voting, digital fraud, and foreign interference. The voting process would be conducted live on national TV and social media platforms, ensuring unassailable transparency and accountability.

Deep State’s Desperate Countermeasures. Anticipating these moves, the Deep State plans to cut power and shut down the internet, scapegoating Russia. They’re conducting global beta tests with Microsoft, targeting banks and flight systems. However, the U.S. Space Force, SpaceX, and Starlink have counter-operations in place to thwart these cowardly tactics.

The Crucial Role of Game Theory Operations

Unmasking a Military Coup. Game theory operations are the key to exposing the ongoing military coup against Trump. The staged assassination attempt was a strategic gambit to reveal the Deep State’s infiltration and stranglehold over various government sectors.

Elon Musk: The Trump Card. Elon Musk holds the ace—vital information and data that could blow the lid off the military coup. This includes evidence of social media platforms and government officials’ complicity in staging pandemic-related events, censorship, and other corrupt activities.

The Broader War: Advanced Technologies and Control.The Deep State’s desperate attempts to suppress advanced technologies like zero-point energy and Tesla energy have monumental implications. Losing control over these technologies would dismantle their global power structure, built on human trafficking, sex pedophilia operations, and war profiteering.

The Deep State’s Century-Long Manipulations. The Deep State’s manipulations span centuries, from the creation of the Illuminati in 1776 to the orchestration of World Wars I and II. These historical machinations have paved the way for their current stranglehold on global power.

The Patriot Act: Modern-Day Tyranny. The Patriot Act, initially a counter-terrorism tool, has morphed into a mechanism for controlling political adversaries through surveillance and blackmail. This modern surveillance state has facilitated the Deep State’s grip over politicians, military figures, and elites.

The Pandemic: A Masterstroke of Manipulation. The virus’s creation, the pandemic, and subsequent lockdowns were not random events but meticulously planned by the Deep State. These actions consolidated their power, controlling populations and advancing their malevolent agendas on a global scale.

Military Reprisals and the Hidden Truths of the Deep State. In a dramatic and ferocious turn of events, a series of clandestine operations and explosive revelations have shattered the very foundations of the political and intelligence establishments. This article tears through the shadowy corridors of power where military operations, political maneuvering, and covert actions have exposed the dark, insidious secrets of the deep state. What follows is an unflinching account of these pivotal events, meticulously detailed and presented for the discerning reader.

The Prelude: Unearthing the Assassination Plot. Before the fateful assassination attempt on President Trump, the military had already amassed overwhelming evidence. This intelligence, gathered from NATO meetings and CIA-FBI operations, clearly indicated an imminent threat to Trump’s life. The double inside operations were initiated to counteract this insidious plot. This complex strategy of infiltration and surveillance ensured that any attempt on Trump’s life would be met with immediate and brutal reprisal operations.

The assassination attempt did occur, but the military was ready. Within hours of the attempt, white hat operatives launched a devastating counter-attack on IT systems, including AT&T and underground supercomputers. These operations were not random but precise, targeted strikes aimed at crippling the deep state’s infrastructure. The military’s retaliation extended to five deep state military facilities near the Great Lakes, culminating in the capture and execution of the real Joe Biden.

The Revelation: Biden’s True Fate. According to multiple sources, including police reports, Biden’s body was transported to Las Vegas via Maglev. This revelation sent shockwaves through the nation. The news of Biden’s death trended on social media, sparking widespread speculation and outright panic within deep state circles. By Tuesday morning, a desperate cover-up was underway, with the deep state scrambling to conceal the truth.

Despite their frantic efforts, the charade was transparent. A fake, masked Joe Biden was hastily installed to maintain the illusion of normalcy. However, the truth could not be suppressed for long. White hats are relentlessly determined to expose the sham and bring the reign of the fake Biden to a decisive end. The military’s decision to send Biden’s body to Las Vegas was a clear, unambiguous message to the globalist deep state: reprisal operations are in full, unstoppable swing.

Behind-the-scenes: The Trump-Military Nexus. Behind the scenes, Trump and the military-controlled white hats within the Department of Justice have launched aggressive operations targeting the Clintons and CIA-operated deep state sex rings. These rings are intricately linked to the largest housing provider for migrant children in the United States, Southwest Keys. The program has been marred by horrifying allegations of sex trafficking and abuse, implicating high-ranking officials and influential figures.

One of the key figures in this monstrous operation was Victor R. Garza, the leader of Southwest Keys. Garza, who had deep connections in intelligence and political circles, was once honored by the Clintons. His sudden, suspicious death, mere weeks before the initiation of military reprisal operations, raises significant and damning questions. How did he die, and why now?

Unmasking the Network: Pedophilia and Trafficking Rings. The explosive exposé of pedophilia and sex trafficking rings has become a central theme in Trump’s and Vivek Ramaswamy’s public statements. They are vehemently vocal about dismantling these vile networks and bringing perpetrators to justice. The revelations are intended to jolt the so-called “sleeping” democratic voters to the horrific reality of mass pedophilia and sex trafficking operations.

The narrative painted by the white hats is stark and horrifying. They argue that the deep state has orchestrated a vast network of exploitation and abuse, shielded by political power and influence. The military’s reprisal operations are not just about retaliation but also about ruthless justice and accountability. The exposure of these heinous crimes is a critical step in dismantling the deep state’s death grip on power.

The Unraveling: A Deep State in Panic. As the military operations intensify, the deep state is in total disarray. The capture and elimination of high-profile figures, the exposure of covert operations, and the relentless pursuit of justice have left the deep state scrambling like rats on a sinking ship. Their desperate attempts at cover-ups and misinformation are increasingly transparent and laughably ineffective.

The public is waking up to the truth. The once unshakable power structures are crumbling under the weight of their own corruption and deceit. The military’s actions are not just a series of isolated events but a coordinated, relentless effort to restore integrity and accountability in the highest echelons of power.

The Future: A New Dawn or More Deception? The revelations and operations described here are not mere conspiracy theories but documented actions supported by undeniable evidence. The narrative of a deep state embroiled in pedophilia, trafficking, and political manipulation is being forcefully brought to light. The role of the military and white hats in exposing these truths cannot be overstated.

As the truth emerges, the burning question remains: will this lead to a new dawn of transparency and justice, or will the deep state find new, insidious ways to perpetuate its vile influence? The answer lies in the continued vigilance and unwavering determination of those fighting for truth and accountability.

Conclusion: The Path Forward. In the face of unprecedented challenges and revelations, it is imperative to remain informed, vigilant, and ready for action. The actions of the military, the exposure of deep state operations, and the public’s awakening to these horrifying realities mark a decisive turning point in our nation’s history. The fight for truth, justice, and transparency is far from over, but the momentum is unstoppable.

As we navigate these tumultuous times, it is essential to question, investigate, and demand ruthless accountability. The deep state’s days of unchecked power are numbered, and the dawn of a new era is on the horizon. The military’s reprisal operations and the unflinching exposure of deep-seated corruption are critical steps toward reclaiming our nation’s integrity and sovereignty.

Behind the Scenes: the revolutionary Q-Phones by QFS and StarLink QG, set to transform communication and finance. Explore how these cutting-edge devices integrate with GESARA applications to streamline Universal Basic Income (UBI) distribution. Watch now to understand the future of global connectivity and economic reform.

Don’t Miss This


Q Phones and GESARA: Trump’s Vision for the Future of Quantum Phones and the Global Currency Reset, Powered by Stellar Blockchain

STARLINK’s EBS Signal: The Countdown to Global Connectivity Begins, DEFCON One Alert, Q’s Sting Operation, Trump’s Prediction & Global Communication Revolution

News Alert! The RV and Military Operations: Behind the Scenes – The Signing of a Historic Treaty by 209 Countries Aims to Redefine Global Currencies! Trust the Plan!

Special Report! Discover the revolutionary of Med Beds under Executive Order 1221, introducing 6000 suppressed cures to transform healthcare. Learn how these advanced technologies promise to diagnose, treat, and heal a wide range of ailments, making cutting-edge medical treatments accessible to all.

How Med Beds and Executive Order 1221 Are Transforming Healthcare!

BOOOM!!! Med Bed in Japan! YES, The Existence of Med Bed is a Confirmed: High-dimensional Medical Technology, 5th-Dimension, DNA Restoration, US Military Base Facilities and GESARA

Med Beds News: 24 Most Important Revolutionary Healing Capacities of Med Beds – The Perpetual Fountain of Youth!

Med Beds: Free Energy Systems and the Healthcare Revolution with Plasmatic Energies and DNA Rejuvenation | Judy Byington WARNING of POSSIBLE SCAM!

The Science Behind Med Beds: Trump’s Role in Advancing Med Bed Technology – Benefits for Veterans and Babies – The Best is Yet to Come!

Med Beds: Make America Great and Healthy Again! High Tech Medical Bed Technology Suppressed by DEEP STATE and Released by NESARA GESARA!

Exposing the Horror: the shocking and graphic truth behind the video leaked from Anthony Weiner’s laptop. This article delves into the disturbing content, its psychological impact, and the broader implications for society and politics.

Viewer discretion advised. Graphic Content – Must See Video!

BOMBSHELL! PizzaGate. The Pedophile Scandal of The American Elites: Hillary Clinton, Obama, Podesta emails, Alefantis, and Comet Ping Pong Pizza (video)

INSIDE SCOOP: Mel Gibson is Making a Documentary on the $34 billion Global Child Sex Trafficking Market! HILLARY AND HUMA is the Tip of The Iceberg. IT’S TIME TO EXPOSE THE TRUTH!

BOOM! The Hillary Child-Sex Tape Is Worse Than You Can Imagine | The SATANIC SYNDICATE (Graphic/Disturbing Content)


It has begun... [Biden] is dead now! 


**:REPRISAL _ (REVENGE) >nobody sleeps> Nessun Dorma** 

Military operations are targeting deep state actors. Russian, EU, and U.S. Military Special Forces Operators are going after global elites following an assassination attempt. The white hats staged a powerful event, but many real CIA, FBI, and [DS] special forces were present. During the event, there was mass confusion among the deep state actors, with nobody knowing who the real actors were. Channels were mixed, and a huge stand-down occurred 30 minutes beforehand as the deep state feared arrest. Military intelligence intercepted all communications. 


The white hats staged an event right before the eyes of the deep state, including CIA, FBI, and DS military contractors. The confusion was so great that it led to mass uncertainty among deep state actors. 


Several sources and agencies now report there were two shooters who both missed Trump. It seems unlikely that the CIA, FBI, and globalist elites, who depend on their trillion-dollar industry, would fail to kill Trump with two shooters. The truth is that the deep state watched for 2 hours but could not execute the execution. 


I've been telling you for a long time: Trump was placed by the military white hats alliance in 2016. The white hats stole the election in 2016 with military intelligence, rigging the numbers and hacking all systems 45 minutes before the election ended. That's why Hillary Clinton was shocked; she was guaranteed to win but didn't expect white hats to swing the election. 


The white hats used game theory operations to beat the deep state at their own game. After Trump was elected, he immediately signed highly classified operations and gave full power to the military to carry out the Storm Operations and several other operations related to the Continuity of Government, the Devolution Plan, and Blackout Operations. 


In the winter of 2016, U.S. military forces carried out global operations, seizing hundreds of trillions of dollars in gold from the Vatican and Switzerland. At the same time, China captured most of the gold depot stations and operations bunkers run by the deep state and the CIA, while Russia finished a ten-year military operation capturing CIA operations in Russia. 


The Carnegie endorsement CIA operations, in collaboration with globalists like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, initiated the plandemic operations: virus, vaccines, lockdowns, war with Russia, and nuclear events. They are desperately trying to rob the world of money for their money laundering operations as they were going broke, using the plandemic to seize hundreds of billions. 

**2020 ELECTION** 

In 2020, white hats military operations gave the election to Joe Biden as part of the biggest military sting operation in the world. The real Joe Biden was flipped back in 2018-19 and forced to play a part by the white hats. In 2020, the real Biden escaped to underground bunkers. Since then, several fake Bidens with advanced CIA technology masks have been playing his part. The real Biden has been hiding in several underground bunkers near Five Finger Lakes, which is why his son has a tattoo of the lakes, linked to adrenochrome operations and underground tunnels reaching from there to Colorado, California, and Mexico. 

The last info confirmed that FJB has been nullified! 

QTSR/ed. Jack

Americans Living In “Strange New World” Slowly Awaken To “Dead Parrot” Reality

25 July 2024

Hello Folks,

In preparation for writing this letter to you today, I spent some time yesterday taking a “30,000 foot view” of America, which in the business world is referred to as a big-picture perspective.

My view first fell upon FBI Director Christopher Wray appearing before the House Judiciary Committee on the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump, where he admitted that at least one FBI official expressed disappointment that President Trump wasn’t killed, then revealed: “That individual has been referred to our inspection division”—FBI Director Wray also revealed would-be assassin Thomas Michael Crooks researched the assassination of President John F Kennedy before opening fire on former President Donald Trump—then it was reported that would-be assassin Thomas Michael Crooks trained with federal agents at a gun range and made mysterious visits to Washington D.C. prior to attempting to assassinate President Trump.

My view next fell upon former CIA analyst Sue Mi Terry, who currently serves as a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and was a senior official at the National Security Council, but was just indicted for being a spy for South Koreathe indictment of this spy is noteworthy because she’s the wife of leftist Washington Post national security columnist Max Boot, who is known as a “rabid never-Trumper”, and whose actual job is to expose spies in America.

Next up for viewing was X social media site owner Elon Musk revealing: “The European Commission offered X an illegal secret deal: if we quietly censored speech without telling anyone, they would not fine us...The other platforms accepted that deal...X did not...We look forward to a very public battle in court, so that the people of Europe can know the truth”—a revelation joined by the article “Paris Has Transformed Into A Dystopian Nightmare Ahead Of Olympics”, wherein it observed: “Parisians are now living an authoritarian nightmare...Many are wondering if it’s all some kind of a giant experiment, and which measures introduced for the Games will persist afterward...For the average Parisian, the Paris Games are starting to feel like the Hunger Games movies, which are set in a Balkanized authoritarian city called “Panem” (Latin for the “bread” part of “bread and circuses”)...Oh, the irony of Paris’ longstanding nickname being a nearly identical sounding “Paname”--and is a Parisdystopian nightmare” ruled over by the “free speech censoring” socialist European Commission whose new “Hunger Games” viewer is just arrived American First Lady Jill Biden.

Abandoned by his wife First Lady Jill Biden, I then viewed President Joe Biden giving a “glitched out” address to America, which I saw on the White House YouTube Channel, and as of my writing only has 513 viewsand from my “30,000 foot view”, I could only conclude that America has become exactly like the Monty Python’s Flying Circus comedic “Dead Parrot Sketch”, wherein it portrays a conflict between disgruntled customer Mr Praline and a shopkeeper, who argue whether or not a recently purchased parrot is dead.

While imagining slowly awakening Americans proclaiming to their socialist political and leftist media overlords “This is a dead parrot!”, as it pertains to the pack of lies sold to them about everything, I reflected on the events of last Sunday 21 July, which was the day President Biden posted a message that he was dropping out of the presidential race—at the same time America was in the midst of coup, some deranged idiot ordered two American strategic nuclear bombers to fly straight towards Russiaas President Biden began his address last evening, two Russian and two Chinese strategic nuclear bombers streaked towards Alaska and were intercepted by American and Canadian fighter jetsand this weekend, a fleet of nuclear armed Russian warships will park themselves in Cuba less than 100 miles away from the American border.

On 8 July, it saw President Trump issuing the stark warning: “We’re heading into World War III”, then five days after issuing his stark warning, on 13 July, he came within a millimeter of being assassinated----four days later, on 17 July, it saw America’s most trusted newsman Tucker Carlson declaring at the Republican National Convention that: “President Trump is the true leader of America”—both radical leftist MSNBC and fake news CNN blocked their viewers from seeing Tucker Carlsonand one day later, on 18 July, it saw the Wall Street Journal releasing its mocking hit piece article “Inside The Strange New World Of Tucker Carlson”, wherein it stated: “A visit to the former Fox News host’s Maine home shows why he’s become a spokesman for millions of Americans disillusioned by mainstream politics...He dismisses climate change as a climate lie, claims that the CIA killed President John F. Kennedy and that the government hasn’t told the truth about 9/11...He also holds some esoteric beliefs: He insists that UFO sightings are in fact spiritual events that ancient societies and the Bible rightly understood to be visitations by angels and demons”.

The so-called “esoteric beliefs” of Tucker Carlson that UFO sightings are in fact spiritual events that ancient societies and the Bible rightly understood to be visitations by angels and demons, you should know, are also held by world-renowned French computer scientist Jacques Vallée, who along with pioneering the invention of the internet, is the world's foremost UFO and extraterrestrial researcher for over 60 years, and in his monumental book “Dimensions: A Casebook Of Alien Contact”, concluded they were interdimensional like described in the Bibleand was the same conclusion reached by world-renowned American religious scholar Professor Diana Walsh Pasulka at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, who, in her book “American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology”, not only documents that UFO's and aliens are interdimensional entities known throughout history as angels and demons, they aided in the creation of both the American and Russian space programs and are still working with humans in developing new technologies.

Those like Tucker Carlson, Jacques Vallée and Professor Pasulka know the truth about “The Strange New World” many of you are slowly awakening to the reality of, but you can only fully awaken when you’re able to proclaim “This is dead a parrot!” no matter who tries to convince you otherwise.

All the best folks,

Brian, Webmaster. Paris, Fr.