In A Time Of Universal Deceit, Telling The Truth Becomes A Revolutionary Act. (Orwell)




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Showing posts with label WEATHER WARS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WEATHER WARS. Show all posts

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Weather Modification Weapons: DARPA Project NIMBUS – Lightning Weapons

In Greek mythology, it was a weapon of war.

Now the U.S. military is looking to tame lightning, which remains one of nature’s most confounding — and feared — phenomena.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (or DARPA), the Research and Development arm of the Pentagon, has embarked on a $5 billion dollar project called NIMBUS, which seeks to understand the underlying mechanisms of lightning.

What is Project NIMBUS?

Lightning has long perplexed scientists. Not only are atmospheric scientists unsure of exactly what initiates lightning, but they also don’t understand precisely how and why it is able to propagate over great distances, and where it will strike. That makes it, in DARPA’s view, “one of the major unsolved mysteries in the atmospheric sciences.”

Lightning is not only little understood, it is dangerous and destructive. Strikes cause more than $5 billion in damages annually. NIMBUS will look at ways to protect against that destruction, including attempting to direct where lightning strikes. The initiative also includes plans to try to trigger lightning using rockets, which could be used to model and study the discharges. 

Lightning: Seen in mythology as the power of the gods. Weather Modification Weapons: project Nimbus and Haarp

This is by no means the military’s first foray into lightning research. Pentagon officials have in the past expressed interest in other enigmatic phenomena associated with lightning, such as so-called ball lightning. Though its existence is disputed, ball lightning is purported to manifest itself as luminous, energetic spheres during storms.

The Pentagon has even funded modest efforts looking at whether ball lightning could be used as a weapon. Another, somewhat more straightforward application of lightning, not mentioned as part of the DARPA project, is the possibility of creating a “lightning gun” — a weapon that shoots bolts of electricity. In fact, the Defense Department has funded work in this area. Xtreme Alternative Defense Systems, in Anderson, Ind., has built a prototype of a lightning gun, named Stun-Strike.

But don’t look to NIMBUS to yield a deployable death ray. DARPA says the project has a more benign goal: the protection of people and assets.

Switzerland is also good at playing the weather wizard.


Friday LIVE: Weather Weapons May Have Been Used Against Texans, Warn Experts — Plus, Ukraine Announces TOTAL Mobilization! — FULL SHOW 5/17/24


Sunday, May 5, 2024

The War To End All Wars

It seems like a lot of people just can’t hardly wait for war.  From mainstream news media to even the best of alternative news sources, commentators and pundits, everyone seems to be salivating at the idea of World War Three.

I find it interesting to note that during World War 1, we didn’t call it “World War 1,” because we didn’t recognize it as the first of many.  It was first called the “European War.” Then American newspapers called it “World War.”  And the British called it the “Great War.”  Soldiers fighting and families left at home had no idea they were fighting “World War 1.”  Then, it was FDR who first used the term “World War 2” in 1941.  But soldiers fighting and those at home didn’t realize they were fighting “World War 2” until Roosevelt named it that.  But today, people seem so eager for World War 3.  Even regular, everyday citizens seemed giddy at the idea of World War 3.  It’s on everyone’s minds and it seems virtually inevitable.

As we look at current world events, it does appear that a war to engulf the globe has already been set in motion.  Like wars we’ve seen in the past, alliances are being formed.  The BRICS nations, consisting of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Ethiopia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates have been in allegiance since 2009.  Also at that table, you could add North Korea, Iraq, Turkey, Syria and Afghanistan.

Western countries, which were formerly allies, are significantly less organized and unfortunately, they’re all facing great internal turmoil, economic depression, massive immigration problems with people from enemy countries being welcomed in and catered to — for some reason — by their own governments.  There’s no doubt that what one might call the “Axis of Evil” nations today are much better prepared and propped up by self-proclaimed Globalist New World Order “elites” than are countries like the United States, Britain, France, and even Germany.

Western nations are literally being invaded by citizens from the “Axis of Evil” — and the western nations are welcoming the invasions, supporting the invaders and weakening all their defenses — from military to public infrastructure, seemingly on purpose.  This isn’t a “conspiracy theory.” It’s a conspiracy FACT.

Here in the US, the city of Minneapolis now plays the Islamic “call to prayer” over city loud speakers five times a day.  The same happens in Michigan.  Muslims who support the call of “Death to America” now serve in local, state and national governmental positions of power.  Chinese nationals own much of the land in our nation and hold most of our debt.  We rely on China for most everything we buy and use, including pharmaceutical drugs and food supplies.

On our college campuses, students have been brainwashed to prefer socialism over capitalism and are rallying against Israel and their own United States.  And while the “Axis of Evil” nations are training their military for war, here in the US, our military focuses on recruiting homosexuals and “transgenders” and invests tax dollars on transgender “transitioning” drugs and surgeries, using the proper pronouns, re-educating those who don’t agree with these agendas and training recruits to submit to an increasingly “woke” mindset.

For years, we’ve heard about Chinese military training in Mexico and Central America.  In just the past couple of years, we’ve learned the Chinese military is also training in Canada, just a stone’s throw away from our US borders.  We’ve seen video footage of Chinese container ships converted to ballistic missile launchers and loaded with ammunition, just off our western seacoast.  Not to mention the millions of military-age single men, all from hostile nations, crossing our borders — some even stating openly that they’re here on a military mission.

We’ve also seen the self-proclaimed “elites” — the New World Order Globalists — spending enormous amounts to construct underground bunkers for themselves, here in the US and around the world.  They’re stockpiling food and supplies for themselves, and they’ve been doing that for at least the last year or so.  Obviously, they believe something big is on the horizon and they’re preparing.

Meanwhile, when the average American patriot suggests that we should all be “prepping” for coming disaster, we’re labeled, once again, as “conspiracy theorists,” “right-wing wackos,” and worse, by the mainstream media, on social media and by the ignorant general public.

The last presidential election here in this country deepened the tremendous amount of division among our citizenry.  Any thinking person can easily examine and analyze what took place and come to the obvious conclusion that the election was blatantly stolen, regardless of what George Soros’-funded legislators, district attorneys and attorneys general will pronounce publicly.  And so, there are many ignorant souls out there today who really believe the last election was completely legitimate — despite overwhelming evidence that we’re now a banana republic ruled by tyrants bent on the destruction of our nation.

That being said, there’s no doubt that this year’s election will be the most significant ever in American history.  And along with that, will come more division, more hatred, more rioting, burning and devastation from the Left.  But this time, American Patriots will likely rise up as well, rather than continuing to bow to the one-sided “rule of law.”  Patriots aren’t going to let what happened last time happen again.  They won’t stand for it.  They won’t allow it.

So this year — leading up to November, but especially afterwards — is going to be one of chaos and war within our borders, among our own people.  When the foreign enemies who’ve now been settled in and well-funded and supplied by the Regime in power get involved, it’s not going to be good.  America is at its weakest point in history right now.  It’s only going to grow weaker once the fighting begins within our borders.

When that happens, we’ll be ripe for the picking of those foreign enemies in and outside our borders, who are, even right now as I speak, training for a specific operation…World War 3.

I’d urge you to not be so quick to wish World War 3 upon us, because it’s not going to be anything like you can imagine now.  If you’re thinking of a “Red Dawn” scenario, where a few bands of patriotic vigilantes can camp out in the woods and win our freedom back with a few shotguns, you’re just plain clueless.

When it happens, Patriots are going to be up against the most sophisticated weaponry in the world.  I’m not just talking about night vision goggles here.  I’m talking drone technology, the likes of which you and I have no idea.  I’m talking about infrared heat cameras that can locate and pinpoint human beings hiding anywhere, and weapons that can eliminate them, fired by enemy combatants on the other side of the world.

Imagine losing your electricity — rolling blackouts are already going on in parts of our country and will only grow worse as the regime continues to press it’s “net zero” agenda under the false narrative of “climate change.”  No power. No water.  No food in the stores.  No communications.  No phones.  No internet.  Cars will not operate — electric or otherwise.  Local police and sheriff departments will be no match for hordes of foreign enemies marching on our land with operational, tactical vehicles.  Even our military will be no match for these enemies.

And the enemies are already here, embedded in cities and towns, large and small, all across the United States.  Thousands more are being welcomed in daily, even as they’re encouraged to “vote for Biden” when they get here, so the border can remain open.

During World War 2, our nation came together, united as one.  Our people at home sacrificed, rationed things, bought war bonds, scrimped and saved everything to support our faithful soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines.  Today, our nation is so divided — and deliberately divided — there will be no national unity.  Amid the World War, we’ll also be fighting one another in a new “Civil War.”  And a house divided against itself cannot stand.

I’m sorry to say, friends, we’ve already lost this battle.  By being so passive, by allowing things like the stolen election of four years ago to stand; by allowing the rioting and devastation of groups like Black Lives Matter and ANTIFA to happen with no pushback — our police officers ordered to “stand down” and “let them burn it all down;” even by standing by and doing nothing as the statues and monuments of our American history and heritage were removed from public, and by allowing political dissidents of the Regime to be persecuted and jailed while most of us did nothing, we’ve invited the coming tragedy upon ourselves.  It’s our own fault.

We should be, right now, weeping and mourning and repenting in sackcloth and ashes, begging God’s forgiveness for our personal sins and our national sins.  Such a thing would begin in the churches across this land, but alas, the churches have also been overtaken by the socialism and communism of the Social Justice movement.  Pastors, who have so much power available to them — if only they had an ounce of courage to use it — have refused to stand against the evil and therefore, their followers have refused to stand for anything.  Most Americans today have no idea what the Word of God says.  No idea Who Jesus Christ is, and certainly no idea the horrors that await them when their comfort, luxury and ease are suddenly removed and they’re faced with starvation, famine and the loss of every single thing they’ve put their trust and security in, in this world.

“If My people, who are called by My name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”  There’s no political solution to all this.  Don’t count on Donald Trump to save you — or our country.  There’s one Savior, and that is the Lord, Jesus Christ.  Judgment begins first in the house of the Lord, and I dare say it will be the Christians who are eliminated first as our enemies overtake us — from within and from without.  Because most today are “Christians” in name only.  Their “fire insurance faith” will not spare them from what’s about to happen.  Instead, after horrific and violent deaths, most will stand before the Lord only to hear the words, “Depart from Me, you workers of iniquity. I never knew you.”

Could it be that I’m dead wrong on all these things?  Well, I can tell you I’m 100% right on much of what I’ve stated here.  I’ve told you about Global conspiracy FACTS, not theories.  Of course, there’s much we don’t know yet…and won’t know until it plays out.  But is there a chance God might spare this nation and heal our land?  Yes, but it would require God’s professing people to take 2 Chronicles 7:14 seriously and put out an urgent, clarion call all across this country.  It would take an enormous, concerted effort on the part of pastors and churches and the people in the pews, humbling themselves before Almighty God, while there’s still time.  Sadly, I won’t hold my breath on that… Americans are too consumed with comfort and ease.  Too self-absorbed to take the Word of God seriously.  They’re busy planning their next vacation, busy with their sports and entertainment.  They have no time for God. Certainly, no intention to humble themselves, pray, seek God’s face and turn from their wicked and selfish ways.

The soldiers in World War 1 didn’t know they were fighting “World War 1” when it was happening.  Those in World War 2 didn’t know it was World War 2 when it began.  There will be no doubt when World War 3 goes hot.  It truly will be the “War to end all wars.”  Friends, those of you who will, be in prayer for this nation.  Be in prayer for those you love.  I believe God will protect and provide for those who are truly His, but none of us will escape persecution.  I urge you to draw close to God today, and bring as many souls with you as you can.  Our time is growing short, and we have but one Savior.

By Rob Pue May 5, 2024


To End All Wars (Free Full Length Movie)

Benjamin Fulford Update - 3 May 2024

Benjamin Fulford Update With Question and Answers - 3 May 2024

Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Unholy Trinity of Geoengineering Superpowers

The Economic and Political Agendas Behind "Natural" Disasters...

The recent cancellation of Harvard's geoengineering project by none other than Bill Gates himself is a glaring testament to the depths of deception that the global elite will sink to in order to preserve their carefully crafted climate narrative.

Gates' decision to pull the plug on this study is hardly surprising, given his track record of puppeteering the world's institutions to dance to his tune.

What's truly astonishing is that he even considered financing such a project in the first place...

But then again, perhaps it was all just a ruse to maintain the façade of scientific integrity while ensuring that the truth remains buried.

You see, the honest results of this research would have exposed the blatant fraud that is the "climate change" agenda - a lie that humanity has been force-fed for over three decades.

The study's findings would have directly contradicted the sinister plans of the Western globalist cabal, spearheaded by the likes of, the World Economic Forum and their "Great Reset" the UN's Agenda 2030 the ultimate goal of a One World Government...

Their success hinges on perpetuating the climate change myth, and they will stop at nothing to protect it.

Geoengineering, the very subject of the canceled Harvard study, serves two insidious purposes.

Firstly, it falsely demonstrates the alleged effects of CO2 emissions on the climate, bolstering the fake Green Agenda.

Secondly, and perhaps more alarmingly, it transforms weather and climate into Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD), granting the elite unprecedented power over the planet and its inhabitants.

Had the study been allowed to proceed, its findings would have dealt a devastating blow to those who seek to dismantle the world's economic and social structures, only to rebuild them according to their own twisted desires.

The "First Global Revolution" report by the Club of Rome in 1991 laid bare their intentions, and the cancellation of this research only confirms their commitment to suppressing the truth.

Imagine the ramifications if Harvard's research had been made public. It would have shattered the political agenda and exposed the lies of Big Business.

The revelation that the "Green Agenda" is nothing more than a fabrication, and that weather patterns worldwide are being manipulated through geoengineering, would have been impossible to contain.

The public would have awoken to the reality that the climate narrative they've been sold is nothing but a sham...

For over three decades, we've been bombarded with "fake science" and media manipulation, all designed to convince us that our CO2 and methane emissions are the root cause of climate change.

Even well-meaning scientists have been bought and paid for, leaving the masses believing that doomsday is imminent if we continue to rely on hydrocarbons and agriculture to sustain our way of life.

But here's the truth they don't want you to know: the climate is NOT changing, at least not any more than it has throughout Earth's four-billion-year history.

The fluctuations we observe are gradual, allowing life on our planet to adapt and thrive.

The real agenda behind the climate change narrative is far more sinister - it's a ploy to exert control, redistribute wealth, and reshape society according to the whims of the global elite. 


"Climate - The Movie" - The Cold Truth  

According to Spain's State Meteorological Agency (AEMET), over 50 countries possess the technology to manipulate weather and climate patterns.

Let that sink in for a moment - more than a quarter of the world's nations have the power to play God with the forces of nature.

At the forefront of this weather warfare are none other than the United States, Russia, and China: the unholy trinity of geoengineering...!

These superpowers have honed their skills in altering the very fabric of our atmosphere, leaving no corner of the globe untouched by their meddling.

It's a twisted game of chess, with each nation vying for dominance over the skies and the power to shape the world's climate to their own benefit.

Gone are the days when the weather was a force of nature, untameable and unpredictable.

In the era of geoengineering, the butterfly effect has taken on a sinister new meaning.

A single act of weather modification in one part of the world can have disastrous consequences thousands of miles away.

The collateral damage of this reckless tampering is incalculable, and yet, the powers that be continue to play with fire, heedless of the consequences.

But make no mistake, the primary purpose of these weather modifications is to feed the insatiable beast of the fake climate change agenda.

When a super hurricane ravages the Caribbean or a prolonged monsoon devastates two-thirds of Pakistan, the blame is conveniently placed on the boogeyman of "climate change"...!

The public is left to believe that these catastrophic events are the result of our own actions, a punishment for our carbon-emitting sins...

However, the truth is far more insidious.

Behind every "natural" disaster lies an economic or political agenda, carefully orchestrated by those who stand to benefit from the chaos.

Take Hurricane Katrina, for example, which claimed the lives of 1,800 people and laid waste to New Orleans in 2005.

While the state of Louisiana managed to evacuate 1.5 million residents, 150,000 to 200,000 predominantly black individuals in the city's most vulnerable neighborhoods were left behind.

The storm provided the perfect cover for developers to swoop in and raze these "run-down" areas, displacing the original inhabitants to FEMA camps scattered across the country, effectively silencing their voices and paving the way for lucrative luxury redevelopment projects.

And what of the devastating floods that submerged Pakistan in the summer of 2022?

The mainstream media was quick to attribute the disaster to climate change, but whispers of geoengineering tell a different story.

The timing of the catastrophe, mere months after the ousting of democratically elected President Imran Khan, raises eyebrows and questions.

Khan, a leader who dared to prioritize the interests of his people over the demands of Washington, found himself unceremoniously removed from power.

The floods that followed served as a stark reminder of the consequences of defying the global elite.

The rabbit hole of geoengineering goes deeper still, and the implications are nothing short of terrifying.

In the aftermath of the ousting of Pakistan's President Imran Khan, the country was plunged into national unrest, with millions taking to the streets to demand the return of their democratically elected leader.

But the powers that be had a sinister solution up their sleeves - the weaponization of the monsoon floods.

By geoengineering the destructive deluge that devastated Pakistan, the global elite effectively quelled the social upheaval and ensured that the country would toe the line dictated by Washington.

The message was clear: defy the agenda, and face the consequences...!

Pakistan's burgeoning relationship with China, a thorn in the side of the U.S., was the real target of this climatic onslaught.

Geoengineering as a weapon wielded by superpowers is a threat that rivals, if not surpasses, the dangers of nuclear warfare. The insidious nature of these targeted weather "disturbances" and climate disasters lies in the fact that the vast majority of people remain blissfully unaware of their true origin.

The enemy is invisible, the attack masked as a "natural" occurrence, and the victims left to suffer in ignorance.

It's crucial to understand that the geoengineering we speak of is not the same as the manmade "climate change" peddled by the Green Agenda.

The notion that our CO2 emissions and greenhouse gases are the culprits behind the climate crisis, is nothing more than a steaming pile of bullsh*t.

No, the real danger lies in the deliberate manipulation of our weather and climate through far more nefarious means.

The roots of geoengineering can be traced back to the early 1940s, when cloud-seeding techniques (chemtrails) were first employed to prompt rainfall for agricultural purposes.

But as the decades passed, these methods evolved into something far more sinister.

The patents for these toxic substances number in the hundreds, if not thousands, and their effects on our bodies are nothing short of devastating.

As the chemicals seep into the ground, contaminate our water, and infiltrate our food supply, they silently wreak havoc on our Pineal Gland and systematically weaken our defenses.

It's a slow poison, administered on a global scale, and we are all unwitting test subjects in this twisted experiment...

But the horror of geoengineering doesn't end there.

The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP), now under the control of the Pentagon-linked DARPA, possesses the terrifying ability to emit electromagnetic waves capable of piercing deep into the earth's crust, triggering earthquakes with the precision of a surgeon's scalpel.

The devastating Turkey/Syria earthquake of February 2023, which claimed over 60,000 lives, bears all the hallmarks of a HAARP-induced catastrophe.

The timing of the seismic event, just months before President Erdogan's reelection and amidst his refusal to approve Sweden and Finland's NATO membership, raises eyebrows and suspicions.

The unnatural patterns of the tremors, defying the usual mainshock-aftershocks sequence, only add to the evidence of foul play.

This is the face of weaponized political geoengineering, with economic side effects that line the pockets of the elite while leaving nations in ruins...

The 2010 Haiti earthquake, another suspected product of HAARP technology, served the dual purposes of economic exploitation and political control.

The untapped offshore oil and gas reserves, previously uneconomical to extract, suddenly became accessible in the wake of the seismic upheaval.

And as the country descended into chaos, the Clinton Foundation swooped in, under the guise of rebuilding efforts, only to leave Haiti more destabilized and under the thumb of Washington's control.

Geoengineering, in the hands of those who seek to dominate and subdue, is a weapon of unimaginable power.

As the years pass and the technology advances, the potential for destruction grows exponentially.

And yet, the vast majority of humanity remains in the dark, oblivious to the looming threat that hangs over their heads like a sword of Damocles.

The Harvard study, had it been allowed to proceed, would have blown the lid off the geoengineering racket, exposing not only the lies of the climate change narrative but also the burgeoning geo-weapons industry.

It's no wonder that Bill Gates, a key player in this global game of smoke and mirrors, pulled the plug on the project.

The truth is bad for business, bad for politics, and catastrophic for the strategic warfare plans of the powers that be.

So, as you look to the skies and ponder the strange patterns and colors that now adorn them, remember that,

the real threat to our world lies not in the carbon we emit, but in the hands of those who have seized control of our weather, our climate, and our very fate...

Geoengineering, unchecked and unrestrained, may indeed bring rain, shine, and ultimately, the ravages of war to our doorsteps.

The question is, will we wake up and confront this reality before it's too late...? 

by A Lily Bit April 10, 2024 from ALilyBit Website 


HAARP Project

Tsunamis and Earthquakes

Chemtrails and Geoengineering

Global Reset - Great Reset - Global Elite

Monday, April 29, 2024

One last battle and the Rockefeller/Hitler branch of the Khazarian Mafia will go down

April 29, 2024

The global white hat alliance scored major victories last week in the ongoing secret battle for the planet Earth. 

Klaus Schwab Rothschild, the Battenbergs (British Royals), Hillary Clinton Rockefeller, Barack Obama Hitler, Bill Gates and Dr. Anthony Fauci were all executed at Guantanamo Bay, according to Pascal Najadi the son of the co-founder of the World Economic Forum who claims to be directly involved.

We have independently confirmed with MI6 that Schwab is gone and know the others listed have all been placed on an execution list.

Mossad sources confirm the British royals have also been killed. This is why riderless horses – one of them is painted red to look like blood- are galloping around London. In Revelations 6:2, John describes seeing the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and describes how he “looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.

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This came after the Head of Israeli Intelligence Major General Aharon Haliva resigned due to the failure of the October 7th false flag in Gaza. His resignation triggered “a wholesale tsunami or clear out at Director General of Military Intelligence around the world… they are all gone,” says the head of MI6.

In other proof, Israeli Minister of National Security, Ben Gvir was involved in a horrific traffic accident while leaving Ramala.

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Next Israeli Minister Haim Biton’s father was seriously injured in a Jerusalem car crash.

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Now the International Criminal Court is issuing arrest warrants for Benyamin Netanyahu and other Israeli officials.

We also know the surviving members of the Rothschild family have agreed to work with the alliance. This means one last big battle against the Hitler/Rockefeller bloodline should end this war and liberate humanity.

The surviving Rockefellers under David Rockefeller Jr. are definitely desperate and dangerous cornered beasts now.

This is especially true now that Rockefeller Secretary of State Anthony Blinken returned home empty handed from his beg/threaten mission to China last week. Take a look at his expression as he poses with Chinese President Xi Jinping and you can see he is deeply disappointed and scared.

Blinken started the meeting by sucking up to China saying: “The United States does not seek a new Cold War, does not seek to change China’s system, does not seek to suppress China’s development, does not seek to revitalize its alliances against China, and has no intention to have a conflict with China.”

Xi responded by saying “Honor words with actions rather than say one thing but do another…Today, as I see it, dwellers of the same planet should help each other. We live in an interdependent world and rise and fall together. With their interests deeply intertwined, all countries need to build maximum consensus for win-win and all-win outcomes. This is the basic starting point for China to view the world and the China-U.S. relationship,” Xi said.

Behind the scenes, Blinken asked for trillions of dollars of loans in exchange for promises to fight “climate change,” while simultaneously threatening to attack China with weather warfare weapons, Asian secret society sources say.

The Chinese told him to buzz off and the meeting was cut short as this video shows:

Xi Jinping: When will he [Blinken] leave?

Assistant: He’s leaving this evening.

That is why Blinken outright threatened Beijing over what Washington describes as China’s support for the Russian army in a press conference after the talks.

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Since he left empty-handed, the Rockefeller faction is definitely running out of money fast. As a reminder in 2007, just before the US went bankrupt during the “Lehman shock” and was bailed out by China, the U.S. national debt was below $10 trillion, the budget deficit was about $160 billion and interest payments were approximately $400 billion. Now the debt has surpassed 34 trillion, is growing by $1 trillion every hundred days and debt servicing costs have topped $1 trillion.

They are definitely going to try to steal your money to keep in business. The IRS has been using AI to access bank accounts of American Citizens without any kind of a search warrant…they have access to every single persons bank account. This is a blatant violation of the fourth amendment; This administration is LAWLESS!”

They have already stolen so much from the people that 17 million US households are suffering from a lack of food.—reports-1118077054.html

The result is a collapse of the social order in the US. The amount of people reporting they have been the victim of a crime has risen by 42.4% between 2021 and 2022. The fake Biden administration is trying to say crime is down 2% because people have given up calling the police who are unable to respond.

Former Federal Reserve chairman, Alan Greenspan once said : “The U.S. can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. There is zero probability of default”

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Did you get that? It begs the question… why do we pay taxes if they can just print money? The fact is the rest of the world has stopped accepting their funny money and so they cannot print their way out of this.

The Rockefellers bought time with cryptocurrency fraud and by stealing Russian assets. They may have also extorted money from the United Arab Emirates. It was pummeled with roughly a year’s worth of rain in less than a day on April 16th and French intelligence sources say the UAE now seems to have run out of money.

Regardless, this is unlikely to keep the Rockefellers in business past June. That means we can expect them to stage some major events to try to cover for their bankruptcy and systems collapse.

This may be why AirBnB is expecting large-scale government actions and lockdowns to begin on June 6, 2024, according to a newly obtained email.

Their email shows they expect the following in June:

Declared public health emergencies and epidemics.

Government travel restrictions

Military actions and other hostilities

Large-scale outages of essential utilities

Natural Disasters

The video below shows 25 ways the US is being destroyed by these people.

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We will look more into this below but first, we want to talk about a massive secret battle raging in Japan. The German branch of the Khazarian Mafia tried to kill the Japanese imperial family by pretending King Charles was still alive and using him to invite the royals to visit England in June. MI6 warned the royals it was a trap set by UK civil service head Simon Case and former MI6 head John Scarlett. A source close to the imperial family said they knew it was a trap and were not planning to go.

This invitation came after a major white hat victory in the battle for control of the Bank of Japan. The yen is now plunging to multi-decade lows because ... ... ...

The remainder of Monday's newsletter is only available to members of holding a paid subscription.
Benjamin Fulford Update April 26, 2024

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Saudi Arabia JUST Issued An Official WARNING To All RELIGIOUS PEOPLE!


Saudi Arabia is currently buzzing with discussions surrounding a notable warning issued to religious communities. This alert pertains to unusual natural phenomena observed in the admired city of Mecca. These occurrences have ignited widespread curiosity and speculation about their significance. With mounting concerns, there is a growing urgency to unravel the mysteries behind these unusual events. What could these strange revelations mean? Join us as we uncover Saudi Arabia’s urgent warning that horrified the whole country! 

In a surprising turn of events, Saudi Arabia, usually known for its dry and hot environment, is experiencing an unusual bout of nature's mood swings. The country, often seen as a classic example of dry deserts and scorching heat, is now witnessing an unexpected change with flash floods and heavy rains transforming its landscape. This shift from drought to greenery challenges the common perceptions many have of this desert kingdom, presenting an intriguing irony: a place once craving water now must figure out how to handle its sudden abundance. The scientific community, those guardians of rational thought, are left in a state of amazement as they watch the desert come alive with vibrant life, a defiance against its usual barren state. 

The intense rainfall and flooding that hit Mecca, a sight rare for such a dry area, have created scenes straight out of a movie. Storms caught pilgrims off guard, lightning illuminated the skies striking famous landmarks, and flooded streets disrupted daily life, forcing schools to shut down for safety. The National Center for Meteorology highlighted the severity of the situation with reports of winds reaching speeds over 80 kilometers per hour and a remarkable 45 millimeters of rainfall in a mere 24-hour period in the neighborhood of al-Kakiyyah in Mecca, emphasizing the storm's strength.

Friday, April 19, 2024

Did Israel carry out an attack on Iran?


Israel-Hamas War LIVE: Did Israel carry out an attack on Iran? | Blasts reported near Isfahan


Experts Blame Geoengineering for Dubai’s Catastrophic Flooding

April 18, 2024

Experts and mainstream media outlets have been forced to admit that geoengineering is responsible for Dubai’s recent spate of flooding.

Bloomberg News admitted the recent devastating floods in Dubai was worsened due to “cloud seeding.” reports: The UAE reportedly received a year’s worth of rain in 24 hours.

Wired magazine published an article on Wednesday, titled, “No, Dubai’s Floods Weren’t Caused by Cloud Seeding.”

However, in 2020, Wired ran with the headline, “Bringing in the rain: Has the UAE’s cloud-seeding program gone too far?” in an article claiming “waterlogged streets and flooded malls” are prompting “questions over chemicals being pumped into the skies.”

The internet called out the scientific elite for playing with nature:

Dubai tried to control the weather with cloud seeding.

It backfired and caused massive flooding.

Perhaps Bill Gates plans to block out the sun is also a very bad idea…

— PeterSweden (@PeterSweden7) April 17, 2024

Dubai has an awful rain storm and completely floods and climate doom mongers / shills say that it’s because of climate change and things that we plebs are doing…


The UAE f***s about with cloud seeding to make it rain, this is not natural.

— Adam Brooks AKA EssexPR 🇬🇧 (@EssexPR) April 17, 2024

Dubai airport looks like an apocalyptic movie. Videos of the flooding are insane.

I’ve seen some blaming climate change when the cause is actually from the use of weather modification.

Cloud seeding where chemicals are sprayed in clouds to create rain caused this. We recently…

— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) April 16, 2024

Some People Have Claimed The Dubai Airport Floods May Have Been Caused By Cloud Seeding Gone Wrong

Joe Rogan “In the United Arab Emirates, they make it rain every week”

“A billionaire friend of mine who's a legitimate billionaire told me that it's entirely possible that some of…

— Wall Street Apes (@WallStreetApes) April 17, 2024

Check out some footage from the wild storm below:

Heavy rain pounded the Dubai emirate. Many parts of southern Arabian peninsula reported heavy rain. Dubai airport shutdown for a short period due to severe waterlogging

— Tamil Nadu Geography (@TNGeography) April 16, 2024

World’s biggest Mall , The Dubai Mall is submerged in Water and water is flowing like flood …

Those wannabe Indians and liberals who take a trip of this mall and mock India when heavy rains cause water logging at airports , must see the situation of the costliest and biggest…

— Amitabh Chaudhary (@MithilaWaala) April 16, 2024

The Russians Are Also Planning Very Big Moves Targeting The Rothschild/Rockefeller etc. Families

April 15, 2024

To summarize, the KM timeline calls for the planet to be turned into a giant animal farm controlled by them. The other calls for the people to decide what future they want and for their public servants to turn that into reality.

Serious turmoil is expected between now and May as the two sides duke it out.

The Israeli theater now appearing on your screens is ultimately sponsored by the Black Sun organization as well as the KM families. P3 Freemason Honcho Vincenzo Mazzara says the Black Sun “will keep carrying out mayhem and destruction until a World Federation Government is established.”

According to them, while the theater in Israel is mostly fake; there is real warfare going on. As an example, they sent us this image of the illegal US green zone in Iraq being totally destroyed.

In addition, the special naval forces of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) have seized Israel-linked MSC Aries container ship near the Strait of Hormuz, official news agency IRNA reports.

Let’s see if it is child slaves they find in the containers.

Things could rapidly escalate. US Space Force officials warn that Israel is planning to attack Iran with an earthquake weapon within the next 24 to 48 hours. If this happens, Iran is likely to retaliate using the neutron bomb tipped missiles given to them by George Bush Sr.

This is why visible de-escalation measures are being seen in the Middle East. Nobody wants this to escalate into all out thermonuclear war and the destruction of the planet. Except for the KM of course.

The Russians are also planning very big moves. Russian FSB sources say their operatives are targeting the Rothschild/Rockefeller etc. families.

The Russian Investigative Committee says their criminal inquiry into the recent terrorist attack in Moscow has established “the funds were received through commercial organizations, such as the oil and gas company Burisma Holdings operating in Ukraine.” Burisma, as is well known, is linked to Hunter Biden who is a front for the Rockefeller/Rothschild KM nexus.

“This is how it will go down in history: an inhuman and misanthropic regime of terrorists and Nazis who betrayed the interests of their people and sacrificed them for Western money and handouts for Zelensky and his inner circle,” says Russian Permanent Representative Ambassador to the United Nations Vasily Nebenzya. In a recent example of “inhumanity,” official test results show a mass die off of birds was caused by feeding on Ukrainian grain that had been deliberately poisoned, according to Polish intelligence.

The Ukraine issue is just part of a much larger investigation by the Russian FSB of the KM. They have uncovered the hidden history of the operation to destroy the Soviet Union and the trail leads directly to Glencore Commodities. This is the Rothschild front that also now controls the Vatican Bank, the Bank of Japan etc.

It turns out the Rothschilds (through their front man Marc Rich) set up trading houses in Switzerland that bought Soviet oil, aluminum, zinc, chromium, steel, etc. “for only 5% to 10% of its market value then sold the commodity through its Swiss trading house at market value and pocketed the difference.” Over time this program “evolved into operating businesses for off-budget revenues, and from there into avenues for squirreling away funds for the safe retirement or political comeback of embattled communist leaders. Lines of business came to include money laundering, arms and drug trafficking and other plainly criminal activities. Before long, intelligence, business, politics and crime blurred indistinguishably into each other.”

After this scheme bankrupted the Soviet Union in 1991, the looting intensified. Lloyds of London estimates somewhere from $200 billion to $500 billion was looted from Russia between 1993 and 1998.

A key player in this scheme was the original Vladimir Putin. He was head of Russia’s presidential property management department from July 1996 to March 1997. There he was responsible for both the former Soviet Union’s property and the Communist Party’s property worth hundreds of billion-dollars. “Putin created schemes involving Joint Ventures, LLCs, and JSCs as front companies in order to claim large stakes in the transfer of state property to other persons and entities: for example, in East Germany, he fraudulently leased the huge cultural center of Russia in Berlin to a company for almost nothing but the company then leased the building for a very large amount. Putin pocketed the money that the company received from the expensive lease.”

A lot of this operation was run through Banco del Gottardo, a Swiss based successor to the notorious Banco Ambrosiano of Roberto Calvi.

In other words it was a Vatican Bank front. Most of the looted money found its way to London, the FSB sources say.

Russia’s chief prosecutor Yuri Skuratov uncovered this scheme in February 1999. Putin retaliated with a smear campaign that included releasing a video where “Skuratov allegedly has sex with two prostitutes.”

This is why Putin was killed and replaced with avatars loyal to the Russian Orthodox Church. They took over his operations and stopped the looting of Russia.

So, now we know why so many fabulously wealthy Russian oligarchs appeared after the fall of the Soviet Union. We also know why the KM hate Russia for cutting off this huge wealth stealing scam.

The details of all this can be found in the very detailed Wikipedia article linked below.

Here is more corroborating evidence. A current CIA/Former FBI agent describes seizing a Russian oligarch’s yacht “Because we could. No need for it. We just did it. It was there…We seize all kinds of other countries, people we don’t like, we seize all kinds of shit…Because everything’s based on the US dollar.”

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Russian FSB sources say they are working methodically to uncover the entire Rothschild/Rockefeller criminal network and will aim to get justice, including having the stolen funds returned and the criminals responsible prosecuted.

This is only one of the dragnets closing in on the Rothschilds, the Agnelis, the Rockefellers and other KM families.

The one they fear the most is the multiple investigations into their Covid and vaccine mass murder campaign.

German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich –who is being held in prison on false charges- issued to following statement about this:

German journalist Paul Schreyer won a huge victory in court under the German version of the Freedom of Information Act. His court victory forced the German equivalent of the CDC to make secret documents available, which proved that the so-called pandemic was in reality a plandemic.

In light of the fact that the same thing happened simultaneously all over the world, it is very likely that — I mean, it was a lockstep thing — that this victory will have massive implications and ramifications worldwide.

This very, very important piece of news, this victory did not get stuck in the alternative media alone. Rather, it was impossible for the mainstream media to ignore it because now many people,many of them personally affected by the so-called measures, want to know the truth about Corona. And there will be more that they want to know.

And now there will be an official investigation here in Germany. Well, that is exactly what I did for three years.

In the US, Senator Rand Paul is leading a Congressional investigation into the plandemic.

A CIA white hat medical doctor comments as follows:

“Rand Paul knows where the Covid trail leads. He is already honed in on the CIA. However, a Congressional investigation is not going to get the job done. These are international crimes against humanity. Accountability for Covid is going to require a Nuremberg-type of reckoning. It’s going to require a coalition between the world superpowers. We are not the only ones who have a claim on the heads of those responsible for Covid. Americans are not the only ones who suffered and died. The WH International Military Tribunal would be the appropriate entity to prosecute such crimes, but the UN isn’t exactly working either. This is an unprecedented situation that requires unprecedented solutions.”

The Japanese are also on the warpath about Covid. On this front Professor Masayasu Inoue held a press conference in Geneva, Switzerland where he threw major truth bombs at the WHO and the entire pharmacidical industry. Inoue says the Covid pandemic was a man- made hoax designed to “drive vaccinations” into the bodies of billions of people worldwide. The “false” pandemic was orchestrated by the WHO along with other globalist organizations and global governments. The resulting global vaccination agenda was a fraudulent use of “experimental gene therapy” that was pushed onto “healthy people.”

He also warned that Japan’s first mRNA vaccine manufacturing plant opened in February 2023 and others are in the works. “There is a high risk that Japan-made vaccines will be exported under the guise of false trust,” he says.

The Japanese population suffered over 400,000 excess deaths immediately after the first vaccinations were pushed on the public according to Japanese Health and Welfare Ministry data.

This has prompted massive anti-pandemic treaty demonstrations in Japan that the corporate media is ignoring.

The Japanese military are also now fighting back. The KM invited Japanese slave Prime Minister Fumio Kishida to Washington DC last week with the plan to put the Japanese military under the control of a US general. They issued this statement: “The United States reaffirms its determination to protect Japan, including with the use of nuclear weapons.”

Translation: They used nuclear blackmail against Japan to try to force it submit its’ military to KM and control and to hand over more money.

Our Japanese military sources confirm the KM used earthquake and nuclear weapon threats against Japan. The Japanese responded by saying the next time they were attacked in this manner, they would use their own weapons on the Atlantic Island of La Palma to cause a 100 meter tsunami to hit the East coast of the US and the South Coast of England.

As a result of this stance, the Japanese military remains independent and a new Emperor is now in de facto command in Japan. This new group has informed the US military they will work with the white hats to nationalize the Bank of Japan and fight the KM.

The Japanese are also working with Asian secret societies to resurrect the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere they fought to create during World War II. An Asian royal source tells us that “all eyes are on Israel now, but something very big is happening in China NOW, with no media coverage allowed.” Other sources tell us communist rule is ending in China.

The KM, meanwhile are still pushing ahead with their dystopian plans. Here you can watch Klaus Schwab Rothschild make veiled threats to create multiple black swan events.

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In what may be overdue justice, preliminary reports indicate Schwab may have been rushed to hospital for an undisclosed emergency. We shall see.

In the meantime his flunkies keep following orders to carry out his evil plans.

In the UK, they plan to ban beef and lamb and close all airports by 2029 as a part of their “climate change” scam. They want to confine you and control your food supply.

Meanwhile, the Polish government under KM agent Donald Tusk has unveiled a censorship law that calls for a punishment of 3 years in prison for truths that are inconvenient for gender ideologists and LGBT activists. Under this law people will be sent to jail for saying such things as:

“There are two genders.”

“Gender is a biological fact, not a matter of choice.”

“Gender is written in the genes and cannot be changed.”

“Transsexualism is a gender identity disorder.”

“Cutting off the breasts and genitals of teenagers is an irreversible mutilation of their bodies.”

“Homosexual acts are sinful.”

“Men who identify as women should not compete in women’s sports.”

At exactly the same time another KM slave, Justin Castrudeau, is passing a similar law that calls for criminal liability and a $25,000 fine for offensive statements against the LGBTQ community and protests against their promotion.

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Don’t worry though, it will still be legal to criticize heterosexual Christians, white people etc.

Castrudeau also talked about how the new social credit score based social engineering will make life more expensive for those who don’t sign up for his WEF/KM vision of the future.

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These are just some of the idiots they parade before the cameras as if they were leaders.

For example it looks like they just wheeled out another yet another “Defense Secretary” Lloyd Austin avatar to say “No evidence of genocide” in Gaza.

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They are also still using Nancy Pelosi, the eighth so far, as far as we can tell. The video below indicates these avatars are used in part for money laundering.

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Greg Reese from the Reese report shows nobody in the current so-called Federal Government took oaths of office. This means they are all traitors.

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Here is an example of what the KM has turned the US Congress has into. A Democrat from Texas, born in New York, Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee tells students the moon is a ‘planet made up mostly of gases’.

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) stunned attendees at a high school solar eclipse event Monday by claiming the rock-solid moon is a “planet” that is “made up mostly of gases” — before adding she still wants to be “first in line” to learn how to live there.

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Another KM puppet, the UK’s Rishi Sunak, apparently is so ignorant he does not even know how to use a hammer.

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Let’s not forget the top Dodo Joe Biden. In the video below Donald Trump speaks on Biden’s incompetence, his senility, and that we are on the verge of being dragged into a world war.

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A fake Trump, meanwhile is still being trotted out to appear in fake court case dramas etc. However, even the corporate media is starting to ask questions as this report about Melania Trump indicates.

Melania Trump is keeping observers guessing whether she will appear, however warily, on the campaign trail alongside her husband.

Aloof and enigmatic, the Slovenian-born former model has been noticeably absent as husband Donald Trump makes his third bid for the White House.

Nor has she attended any court hearings with her husband as he navigates a myriad of cases.

There is also new evidence that some of the people they are trotting out may actually be clones. 

Take a look at the pictures of Mark Zuckerberg – founder of Facebook, and David Scott Portnoy – American businessman and social media personality, founder and owner of Barstool Sports, a sports and culture company- and former White House Spokesperson Jens Psaki. Are they clones?

If so, who is creating them and why? Soon it may be possible for their puppet masters to be exposed without fear of repercussions. A case in point is Alex Jones of Infowars:

CIA contractor admits CIA targeted Alex Jones, FBI had agents at Jan 6.

A Sound Investigations sting has recorded footage of a CIA Contracting Officer, and former FBI worker, appearing to admit to a string of questionable activities, including pressuring the families of the victims of Sandy Hook to sue Alex Jones and having agents present at the January 6 Capitol Incident.

Alex Jones is now on the counter-offensive saying: “I’m planning on launching a lawsuit against the CIA & FBI. I’ve retained firms to sue for Civil Rights violations Gov. Racketeering operation.”

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The KM seem to be taking the collapse of their control grid as if it was the end of the world. Or at least the Israelis seem to think so. The Israeli government plans to slaughter and sacrifice red heifers on April 22, 2024, the beginning of Passover, according to Mossad sources. “The red heifer sacrifice…involves the sacrifice of a red heifer that must be without blemish and entirely red, without a single non-red hair. The ashes of this sacrifice are then used in a purification ritual, essential for individuals seeking to access sacred spaces or engage in certain religious practices.”

This in preparation for building the third temple, the sources say.

Finally, in a sign we really are facing unprecedented events something massive left Antarctica during the solar eclipse and was caught on radar.

“What seems like a Blob moving from Antarctica all the way into the Atlantic ocean over the next few days! What is this mass?? A weather system or something else?” a Pentagon official asks.

Japanese military sources confirm it is not just a digital anomaly and that ocean buoys have recorded massive 80 foot waves in the region of the blob. US Space force sources confirm a “massive blast of energy” came out of Antarctica. They are investigating what the blast was and what its’ purpose was. We can only speculate but it may be related to an attack on the Nazi Antarctic base. We are definitely entering uncharted waters.
